The award will be presented at each FEZA conference to an individual or to a group working in Europe for a contribution to science and technology related to zeolites, ordered mesoporous materials, metal-organic frameworks or other porous materials with significant scientific impact during the six years prior to the nomination deadline. The award is named in honor of the Swedish mineralogist Axel F. Cronstedt (1722–1765), who was the first scientist to describe distinctive properties of zeolites and introduced the term “zeolite”.
The selection of the Cronstedt Award winner will be proposed to the FEZA Board by a Selection Committee, nominated by FEZA Board before the deadline for the presentation of the candidatures and including representatives of industrial companies, suggested by the national zeolite associations participating in FEZA. The Selection Committee will be chaired by the awardee from the previous FEZA conference. The FEZA Board will be responsible for administering the process.
The deadline for nominations for the 2nd Cronstedt Award (will be granted at 7th FEZA conference) is March 31, 2017. Each national association may nominate only one individual or group. Each nomination should include a short description of the contribution and justification of its impact (up to 2 pages), short CV (up to 1 page) and copies of up to 5 principal publications. The received nominations will be distributed to the Selection Committee members. Members of the Selection Committee and of the FEZA Board cannot be nominated during their service.
The Selection Committee will submit to the FEZA board a list with at least 2 and no more than 4 names (individual or group) proposed for the Cronstedt Award.
The selection will be carried out, at a meeting during the FEZA conference, by a two-stage voting procedure which narrows the list of nominated candidates first to two, and then one candidate. The two candidates with the highest number of votes move to the second round. Each member of FEZA Board casts a single vote and asimple majority of delegates present at the meeting selects the winner. The vote is secret. The FEZA President does not vote during this procedure. If two or more candidates have equal numbers of votes, the vote will be repeated. Only in these cases – second vote- will the FEZA President have the right to vote.
The nominations must be sent by email to:
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